Self Made Lights Out Management aka SM-LOM is a little USB Connected box, providing the user with a serial console, power cycle and reset ability. Its build using a FTDI FT232R Devel board and a little daughter board.
The idea is to use the additional CBUS pins of the FT232R chip to drive some relais. The FT232R has 4 CBUS aka General purpose i/o (GPIO) pins which can be used to e.g. driver receive and transmit leds, or to drive some relais. Those pins can be written/read via libftdi (See the example directory for bitbang_cbus.c). Then the ULN2803 open collector relais driver is used to drive the 5V Relais. To correctly program the CBUS pins you'll need the FTDI MPROG or FT_PROG utility (See here:
Description | Price |
FTDI FT 232 R Devel Board | 18,00€ |
Plastik Case Conrad EURO-GEHÄUSE SCHWARZ 120 X 40 X 65 | 7,00€ |
ULN 2803A Open Collector Relais Driver | 0,30€ |
Signalrelais FRT5 5VDC | 0,90€ |
Miniatur Leistungsrelais FTR-K1 5V | 1,00€ |
Kaltgeräte-Einbaustecker mit Sicherung | 1,20€ |
Kaltgeräte-Einbaubuchse | 1,00€ |
DIN Buchse 7 pol | 0,30€ |
Some wires, PCB and stuff - A total of ~ 30€ and a evening putting it together